Goos Nelson / Nelsons Blood
Na wra agan shyndya ni.
Banna a Woos Nelson,
Na wra agan shyndya ni.
Banna a Woos Nelson,
Na wra agan shyndya ni;
Ha ni a wra gortos.
Ha ni a rol an kyttrin koth a-hes,
Ha ni a rol an kyttrin koth a-hes,
Ha ni a rol an kyttrin koth a-hes,
Ha ni a wra gortos!
Hanaf a de da,
Na wra agan shyndya ni. (x3)
Ha ni a wra gortos.
Plat a vros iwerdhonek ,
Na wra agan shyndya ni. (x3)
Ha ni a wra gortos.
Pinta Korev Kernow,
Na wra agan shyndya ni. (x3)
Ha ni a wra gortos.
Nosweyth gwyls y’n dre,
Na wra agan shyndya ni. (x3)
Ha ni a wra gortos.
Banna a rumm ha shrub,
Na wra agan shyndya ni. (x3)
Ha ni a wra gortos.
Nos stag yn kellow,
Na wra agan shyndya ni. (x3)
Ha ni a wra gortos.
English Words
Oh a drop of Nelson’s Blood,
Wouldn’t do us any harm.
Oh a drop of Nelson’s Blood,
Wouldn’t do us any harm.
Oh a drop of Nelson’s Blood,
Wouldn’t do us any harm;
And we'll all hang on behind.
So we'll roll the old chariot along,
An' we'll roll the old chariot along,
So we'll roll the old chariot along,
An' we'll all hang on behind!
A nice cup of tea,
Would'nt do us any harm.
A plate of Irish stew ,
Would'nt do us any harm.
A pint of Cornish Beer,
Would'nt do us any harm.
A night on the town,
Would'nt do us any harm.
A drop of rum & shrub,
Would'nt do us any harm.
A night in the cells,
Wouldn’t do us any harm.